The Sacred Alchemy of Creating Workshops, Retreats, and Courses

An online course with Tracee Stanley on Embodied Teaching


With the surge of new content and classes emerging in the live and virtual space, it is more important than ever to offer embodied teaching that is aligned with your gifts and passions.

If you find yourself searching for a “niche,” this is for you. The word niche comes from the French word nicher “to make a nest.” That means that your teaching should feel like home, comfortable for you, inspiring for you to offer and your students to receive.

I have had this teaching on my heart for a while as I have seen teachers struggle to find aligned offerings and then get them out into the world. Sometimes we may be tempted to do a "throw the spaghetti against the wall" approach and see what sticks, but that is not an efficient use of Shakti.

This is not a course about how to set up a platform or how to get more students into your course—that's not dharmic for me to teach.

This course is a deep dive into your heart cave so that you can mine the gifts that make your teaching unique and move beyond the fear and doubt that keep you hiding your light.

It's an exploration and refinement of the energy and transmission of your authentic offering.

It might be what you have been waiting for. 

Learn the Principles of Creating Content

You will learn how to incorporate the principles of Ritual, Sankalpa and Krama into the creation of your offering.


Aligned with universal dharma, your unique gifts, and purpose


Tending to your heart's desire.


Devotion and reverence for your work, the container, and your students


The wise progression teaching, sequencing, and scheduling your events.

Here is Some of What We Will Cover:

🔅 The Ritual of Creation: Sourcing from the Heart

🔅 Creating a Skillful Krama (wise progression) for workshops, retreats, and courses

🔅 Motivation & Intention: Finding clarity around the seed vibration of your event

🔅 Moving Beyond Fear & Doubt: What Vikalpa is alive in your Teaching?

🔅 Mind-mapping Your Workshop into Manifestation

🔅 Holding a Sacred Container

🔅 Energetic Alignment: Working with Collaborators

🔅 Creating Boundaries

🔅 Stepping into Leadership

🔅 Mantras & Meditations to Center, Ground and Connect

🔅 Resources for Aligned Teaching